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Derek Ford is a commercial and editorial photographer & director based out of Victoria, Canada. Available for hire globally.
Derek ford Studios
recent clients
abeego | Ballet Victoria | BC Cancer Agency | BC NDP | BCI | BCLC | British Consulate of Canada | Calgary Herald | Canadian Cancer Society | Canadian Geographic magazine | Canadian Press | CIBC Wood Gundy | City of Victoria | CRD | Crown Media | Derma Spa | Desjardins Financial | Destination Canada | Destination Think! | Destination Victoria | Eclipse 3sixty | Empress Gin | Emterra | The Fairmont Empress Hotel | First West Credit Unions | Forestry Innovation Investment | The Globe and Mail Newspaper | Gold Hill Winery | Government of Canada | Grant Thornton LLP | The Green Party of BC | Hillside Centre | Holy Cow Communication Design | Hotelier Magazine | Industry Training Authority | Investors Group | Island Savings | Lighthouse Brewing Co. | LNG Canada | McCarthy Tetrault | McKenzie Lake Lawyers LLP | Merridale Ciderworks | National Bank of Canada | National Research Council | Novartis Pharmaceutical | Origen Air | Parkside Hotel & Spa | Province of British Columbia | PWC | QuadReal Property Group | RBC | Recycle BC | Re/Max Global | Robbins Parking | Roots Canada | Royal Roads University | Sage Hills Winery | Scotty Plastics | Smart Cars Canada | Songhees Nation | St. Margaret’s School | Stantec Consulting | The Strathcona Hotel Group | TD Investments | Townline Developments | Trapeze Communications | University of Victoria | Vancouver Opera | The Vancouver Sun/Province Newspaper | Victoria Distillers | Victoria Foundation | Vigil Health | WildPlay Element Parks